Gain insights around Bankruptcy Trends and explore the value of considering the sale of your Bankruptcy Debt
One thing we know for sure:
The CoVid-19 economic recession will impact collections strategies and the value of portfolios.
With Covid-19 many organisations are forecasting an increase in delinquencies and bankruptcies as the impacts of the pandemic continue to work its way through our day to day lives. As you look to optimise the use of your operational resources, the sale of bankruptcy debt may be something for you to consider.
In the latest installment of GDS Link's 'Best Practices' Webinar Series, "Mitigating Losses on Bankrupt Accounts", our EVP of Business Development, Rich Alterman, sat down with President and CEO of Bankrupt Debt Acquisitions, Jonathan Koop to discuss GDS Link's strategic partnership with BK Acquisitions and their unique approach to bankruptcy management and recovery:
- BK Acquisitions leverages a process that allows lenders to effectively liquidate bankrupt portfolios by identifying and monetising these accounts and paying your organisation premium pricing for those bankruptcies.
- In addition, BK Acquisitions provides a portal to increase your revenues and provide residual income on your bankrupt inventory.
- BK Acquisitions utilises a pioneering scoring methodology employed in the evaluation of bankrupt debt liquidation potential.